Classic Alert Styled
These are default alerts you can use throught your page that work like regular web based alerts. Powered by Bootstrap.
Check out Mobile Styled NotificationsCard Style Small
Card Style Large
The task you've attempted has been a success, you can dismiss this message by tapping the close icon on the top right side of this.
Alert Small
Small alerts great for confirmations and more, can be used for a variety of purposes.
Alert Large
Large alerts great for confirmations and more, can be used for a variety of purposes.
Something might go wrong.Success
Everything's okay here.Maintenance
We're working on this.Error
We have a problem here.Tap or Programatic
We built notifications based on Boostrap toast system, so you can trigger them via a tap or programatically by simply using the Boostrap classic code.
Modal Timed Info Alerts
Beautiful and small messages to inform your users an actions has sucessfully taken place!